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Upcoming Dates

  • November 21-December 2 Year 10 & 11 Headstart Program
  • November 21-25 Year 8 Respectful Relationships Workshops
  • November 24 Information Evening for 2023 Year 7 Families
  • November 28-30 Future Leaders Camp
  • November 29 Year 9 Thinking Traps
  • December 2 International Day For People With A Disability
  • December 2 Inclusion Phillip Island Excursion
  • December 2 50th Anniversary Dinner
  • December 4 50th Anniversary Family Day
  • December 5 Council Approved Student and Staff Free Day
  • December 5-9 Year 10 Work Experience
  • December 5-9 Year 9 Design Challenge Week
  • December 7 Year 12 Formal
  • December 12, 14 Year 7 & 8 End of Year Activities
  • December 13 Orientation Day For Year 7 2023

Principal’s Welcome

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Principal Class Update
It gives me great pleasure to announce that Mrs Marina Stergiou has been appointed to the Assistant Principal position vacated by Mrs Brisbane earlier in the year. Marina has secured a five-year contract in the role following a state-wide selection process. She is a very welcome ongoing addition to the Principal Class Team at Wellington.

I will be taking a couple of weeks medical leave from November 15. The Principal Class Team will ensure that everything continues to operate smoothly during this time. I have nominated Mr Dan Butler to carry out any Principal duties that may arise during my absence. All things going well, I hope to be back in the lead up to the 50th Anniversary weekend in early December.

Hugh Blaikie

Exam period
Our exam period began back on October 26 with the Unit 4 English exam taking place and exams have continued from this date through to the final exams today for our Year 10 students. It has been fantastic to see students and teachers spending a lot of valuable time in the Senior School Precinct during this period to best prepare for the exams. I am confident that our students gave it their best and await the release of the results.

Headstart Program
Commencing on Monday, our VCE students of 2023 will participate in a Unit 1 and 3 program for two weeks to do some preparatory work for next year. This timetabled program will be an introduction to each student’s subject and will lay the foundation for a strong start to Term 1. VCAL and VM students will participate in a program that is aligned with their pathways for three days of each week. It is important that students do attend these sessions in full school uniform and with required resources.

50 Year Celebrations
Much preparation has gone into ensuring the success of this event, with tickets to the dinner on December 2 selling fast. With the day fast approaching, please contact the College if you would like to attend. The Family Day on December 4 will be a relaxed occasion with many areas of the College open to accommodate the historical displays that have been carefully curated – these will tell the rich story of the College and bring back many fond memories. All members of the Wellington Community are welcome to attend and join with us in celebrating 50 Years of Service that the College has provided.

College Council has approved a Student Free Day for Monday December 5 in recognition of the work that staff will be carrying out on the Family Day.

Planning for 2023
Much work has been dedicated to planning the student program for next year, along with the staffing of this. At this stage, very few teachers have indicated that they will be leaving us at the end of this year, however with teachers being required to teach less hours each week, our teaching numbers will increase slightly. Many of you may have seen media reports regarding a shortage of teachers in Victoria and the impact this may have on education. We are in the fortunate position at Wellington to have already made appointments to many vacancies, with only a few teaching positions yet to be filled.

Dan Butler
Assistant Principal

International Programs

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Have you ever thought of hosting an overseas student?

We are looking for English-speaking host families located close to the College who would be interested in accommodating an international student from January next year.

Homestay provides students with the best possible way to experience Australian culture and rapidly improve their English language. It is full board and accommodation offered by a family or couple for a set weekly fee of $310.  All household members over the age of 18 must have a valid Working With Children Check.

Want to know more, call our International Programs Team on 9547 6822 to discuss.

Junior School

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Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day is a Memorial Day that is observed in the Commonwealth since the very end of the First World War to honour the armed forces who sacrificed their lives for us in the line of duty. We commemorate Remembrance Day on November 11 to represent the conflict among nations that ended up with over 70 million people fighting and left between 9 and 13 million people dead, and just over one-third of the people not having a grave.

On the very first anniversary of Remembrance Day in 1919, the two minutes of silence were created as part of the main memorial ceremony at the Cenotaph in London. An Australian journalist, Edward Honey made an approach to honour the men who fought for our country and proposed that we hold a minute of silence to the British Cabinet. This went ahead and was extended to what we now hold for two minutes of silence. In these two minutes, we think about the soldiers that have died and what they did to fight for our country. To show our honour and respect we thank each and every soldier, and pray for there to never be another World War in future.

‘Lest We Forget’

Stefan Battista (8D)
Junior School Captain

Middle School

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Future Leaders URBNSURF Excursion

With the sun finally shining and the temperature breaking through to the mid-twenties, the Year 9 Future Leaders class made their way over to Tullamarine for a surf. Now, you might be wondering where the surf beach in Tullamarine is, and you would be forgiven for thinking we might have made this up, however, nestled between the airport and the industrial factories is Australia’s first artificially made surf park URBNSURF. This multimillion-dollar lagoon was the perfect location for our students to take their first paddles into the world of surfing.

The day started with a 45-minute dry lesson, where students learnt three different popping techniques and where to place their feet. It was then time to hit the white water. With two enthusiastic surf coaches and Ms Doyle leading the way, all students were able to catch multiple waves, and most made it to their feet.

Overall, it was a fantastic introduction for many students to the world of surfing, and I would like to congratulate all students on their fantastic behaviour and effort on the day.

Troy Diaz
Head of Middle School


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National Recycling Week

The E-Squad’s first all-school event for 2022 was National Recycling Week, which took place from November 7-11. 

Throughout the week, a variety of different activities were held (Recycling Station, Upcycle Competition, School Rubbish Pile, Nude Food Day, Recycling Games). We want to thank everyone who took part in the activities. 

Within the week, students had a great opportunity to learn about recycling and the consequences of not doing it through these activities. It was amazing to watch the students get involved and develop a deeper comprehension of recycling. 

Congratulations to the winners of the Upcycle Competition, V Gorkowski from 8A and Alan Withers from 10L. 

John Modouris (8A)
On behalf of the E-Squad

Student Services – Inclusion

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Social and Emotional Learning

What is social and emotional learning?
Social and emotional learning teaches students how to manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, show empathy for others, maintain positive relationships and make responsible decisions. Students with well-developed social and emotional skills:

  • have a high level of self-worth and know how they can use their strengths to achieve their goals
  • can evaluate choices, make responsible decisions and solve problems collaboratively
  • are able to form healthy relationships and can relate to others in a caring and respectful way

Social and emotional learning starts at home. Parents and families help to develop their children’s personal and social skills, attitudes and behaviours in different ways:

  • Conversations with a young person: Talking to your young person about how they are feeling and helping them to reflect on their emotions, coping strategies and the issues they may face.
  • Role modelling: Young people develop their social skills and attitudes by watching and experiencing how other people manage their emotions and relationships.
  • Positive reinforcement: Recognising when your young person demonstrates positive social, emotional and relationship skills will help instill good habits and behaviours.
  • Providing a loving and calm environment: Establishing rules and routines to provide structure and predictability. Showing affection and care towards your young person and spending quality time together.

To support families to address social and emotional learning at home, we would like families to engage in one activity related to a Respectful Relationships* topic with your young person, each fortnight. This could happen on the weekend, at the dinner table or on the couch – wherever the family unit is in the one place.

TOPIC 6: HELP SEEKING – is about learning to recognise situations in which to seek help, identify trusted sources of help and practice seeking and providing help.

Goal: Identify people who we can go to for help
Activity: With a family member, make a “hand” or “star” showing five people you can seek help from.

*Respectful Relationships – is a teaching and learning program integrated into the curriculum within all government schools, including Wellington Secondary College. It is designed to help students learn and practice social skills and apply them in positive ways to learning, life and relationships, such as, treating others as equals and with respect. Respectful Relationships is broken up into eight topics of social and emotional learning.

David Hose
Director of Student Services – Inclusion

First Aid

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Hayfever season is approaching quickly, and this is everything you need to know:

Hayfever, also called allergic rhinitis, causes cold-like symptoms. These may include a runny nose, itchy eyes, congestion, sneezing and sinus pressure. Common allergens that can trigger hayfever symptoms include pollen and dust mites. Tiny flecks of skin shed by cats, dogs, and other animals with fur or feathers (pet dander) also can be allergens.

Hayfever symptoms can include:

  • Runny nose and nasal stuffiness (congestion)
  • Watery, itchy, red eyes (allergic conjunctivitis)
  • Sneezing
  • Cough
  • Itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat

Your hayfever signs and symptoms may occur year-round or may start or worsen at a particular time of year (seasonal).
Triggers may include:

  • Tree pollen/Grass pollen
  • Pets
  • Dust mites

Danielle Delaney & Olivia Thompson
First Aid Officers

Community Noticeboard

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