In line with the Education State FISO model, Wellington focusses on the whole child where we recognise and and promote a learning environment that will provide all students with the academic and personal skills they will need to operate as effective and successful members of the 21st century global community, both now and in the future.
The College offers a rich and broad curriculum that is attractive to a diverse range of young people. Students can choose from a very wide range of VCE subjects. Our VCE mean study score over the last four years has averaged above the state mean, with teachers significantly “adding value” to student study scores in most studies.
In Years 7 to 10, students have a range of compulsory and elective choices in their preparation for the Senior School. The College supports a particularly robust Mathematics program, as students with English as an Additional Language (EAL) background often enjoy a high level of success in this area. In Years 7, 8 and 9 there are “High Flyers” classes for students whose core learning is based around collaboration, communication, creative problem solving and critical thinking. Our acceleration program has Mathematics as a significant focus. Chinese was introduced into the Year 7 curriculum in 2013 as an addition to the French offering of previous years. In 2018 we had Senior Chinese for the first time. Advanced placement to VCE is available to selected Year 10 students.
Due to the multi-cultural nature of our community, many students pursue the community language option through Victorian School of Languages (VSL) or other providers. Wellington also has a well-established VCAL program, normally with one Intermediate and one Senior class operating each year.
As a result of work undertaken in the current Strategic Plan, the school has a strong commitment to building Literacy growth in all NAPLAN Bands. Wellington is well known for its strong commitment to the inclusive engagement and wellbeing of all of its students. We endorse and support the belief that school should be a safe place for all children at all times. Our approach to addressing student attendance is rigorous. The College uses the Compass School Management system to monitor attendance. We have a full time Attendance Officer and 3 Sub School Support Officers to assist in this process. Parents can access “live” data through the COMPASS portal system. We are a Lead school in DET’s RRRR Strategy.
Students are engaged in a number of activities outside the classroom. A strong SRC provides significant student voice in the school community and a well-developed student leadership pathway is in place, starting in Year 7 and expressing itself in a variety of forums throughout the different Year Levels. The lunchtime engagement programs and after school homework clubs compliment the more traditional House and Sporting activities that have always been a feature of this College.
A Wellbeing Centre funded under the National Partnerships Scheme was completed in 2012 and was formally opened early in 2013. This facility provides community access to the College’s Wellbeing and Pathways Teams as well as health professionals and a social worker. In 2013, a part-time doctor was added to the team to complement the other wellbeing services offered by the Centre. This facility was the inspiration for the current government’s ‘Doctors In Schools’ initiative.
For many years the College has received significant funding support through the Managed Individual Pathways (MIPS) program. The Careers/Pathways section is the second major component of our Wellbeing Centre and through MIPS funding we are able to support our students through a Leading Teacher, two full-time Careers Counsellors and a School Attendance Officer.
As part of DET’s School Improvement Partnership program, in 2017 Wellington engaged in a formal Partnership with Wodonga Senior Secondary College and Wodonga Middle Years College and continue this relationship in 2021. All schools in this partnership have committed to building Literacy of students and Teacher Leadership capacity at all three schools. We also have an informal Literacy Partnership with Albany Rise Primary School, our local primary school.
Wellington Secondary College enjoys a very positive reputation with parents and within the local community. We are a school that fully supports and represents the Education State and the DET Values that go with it. We have our own well established traditions and students and parents support the culture of ‘The Wellington Way’ embodied in the College’s motto: Caring, Striving and Learning. The College motto describes our key purpose and values of Caring for others, Striving for excellence and Learning for life.