The College provides a wide and comprehensive program for students who wish to move on to tertiary studies or commence full-time employment. Senior students have access to a separate learning area within the campus which provides study, recreational, kitchen and computer facilities.At Wellington Secondary College, students are able to study either the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) or the Victorian Certificate of Education Vocational Major (VCE VM). Within the VCE, students may also study a Vocational Education and Training course (VET).

The VCE is the major form of qualification in Victoria for direct entry into University courses throughout Australia. The College offers a wide range of VCE subjects and creates an individualised, holistic Senior School program for each of the Year 11 and 12 students. This is done in conjunction with the Senior School Coordinators, Student Pathways team, the College Wellbeing team and classroom teachers.

Further information about the VCE can be obtained from the College or from the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

Wellington Secondary College provides access to a range of VET courses which can be taken external to the College (at local TAFE institutes or other Secondary Colleges) . These include, but are not limited to:

  • Music
  • Automotive Technology
  • Fitness
  • Community Recreation
  • Outdoor Recreation
  • Hairdressing
  • Information Technology
  • Multimedia
  • Catering Operations
  • Electrical
  • Plumbing
  • Beauty Therapy
  • Allied Health Assistance
  • Event Management
  • Community Services

For further information about VET courses please contact Lucinda Huffer, Director of Student Pathways.

VCE WM is the ideal course for students who wish to enter the workforce; it is also ideal for those students who wish to undertake an Apprenticeship or Traineeship upon completing their Secondary Schooling. The VCE VM program offered at Wellington Secondary College includes four compulsory strands:

  • Literacy and Numeracy
  • Work related skills (including Work Placement)
  • Industry specific skills (VET/TAFE studies)
  • Personal development

For more information on VCE VM please contact Jaclyn Jacobs.

Wellington Secondary College is very proud of its ability to ensure that every eligible Year 12 student attains their VCE or VCE VM certificate. After successful completion of their Senior School studies, every graduating student is followed up by the Pathways Team.

For further information on the Senior School, please contact Simon Coles, Head of Senior School.


Here is a link to the Department of Education Victoria’s Parent Payments Policy.  This Parent Payments Policy outlines the ways in which school councils can request financial contributions from parents and ensures that parent payment practices in schools are consistent, transparent and that all children have access to the Curriculum.

The College Parent Payment Arrangements for Year 11
The College Parent Payment Arrangements for Year 12


Click here to access the current Senior School Handbook
Unit 1 & 2 Resource list
Unit 3 & 4 Resource list